Sunday, July 20, 2014

Cooper's Hawks: or How I Learned to Stop Worrying And Love Screaming

This spring Lady Marshmallow and I were treated to something new. We had a pair of nesting Cooper's Hawks take up residence in our back yard. Being the inquisitive type, I immediately looked up everything I could on Cooper's Hawks, excitedly hoping that their favorite meal would be squirrels or 3ft. tall Macaws.

Squirrels have been eating us out of bird seed for years, and we have yet to find that elusive "squirrel proof" feeder. As for the Macaw, let's just say our neighbors next door like it noisy at their place, and they love to put their monster birds in the outdoor aviary from April 1 to about mid-November. The leader of the squawk pack is a gigantic Macaw with no manners whatsoever. Oh, and that aviary is strategically placed ON THE PROPERTY LINE WE SHARE. Do you know just how loud a Macaw can scream? Yes. Scream. Like it's being murdered. All day long.

Imagine my disappointment when I learned that Cooper's Hawks eat pretty much only seed-eating birds of smallish to medium size. Squirrels rejoice!

A couple of weeks ago, we were treated to something else. Cooper's Hawk babies. Hatchlings? Puppies? Whatever. We went from two to four hawks. Now the fledglings are making their way about and have begun to hunt. I managed some photos, which are below. By the way, juvenile Cooper's Hawks also scream/screech/wail, etc. ALL. DAY. LONG.

Thankfully, the Macaw almost drowns them out.


EDIT: My apologies for removing the photos, but I've recently had one of my best photos lifted and used for commercial use by a company, without my knowledge or permission. The only way to prevent that from happening to other photos is to not make them available for viewing.


  1. Nice photos especially that last one!

  2. Nice. Love the photos. I don't envy you the noise, though.
