Sunday, March 20, 2011


As Promised, the Supermoon*

* I have to say, it's really just the regular old Moon, but with all the hype going on around the big unveiling of it as a Supermoon tonight, I had to post something. I expect at least some golf clapping for the effort. This is a fresh photo tonight. Hot off my CF memory card. Clap! If you don't, then I swear to god I'll make this Moon disappear.

I'll do it. 


  1. *claps furiously* Ok, now just don't make the moon disappear! That's a great pic, I didn't actually get out to see the moon myself, so I'm happy to live vicariously through you.

  2. I am so not clapping because I want to see you make the moon disappear....Only none of that smoke and mirror sh*t like Penn & Teller , I want to see lack of tides and confused werewolves…..

    P.S. Isn't that the same shot as yesterday only portrait instead of landscape?

  3. P.S. What camera and lens set up are you using?

  4. @Raven: Because it's you, I'll leave the Moon in place. May you always have Supermoons in your life. :-)

    @BlackLOG: Love the confused werewolves idea!
    This is a completely new photo. Exif data is embedded and should be viewable through Opanda Exif Viewer.
    Nikon D3s with a 300mm f/2.8 VR lens, using a 1.4 teleconverter. Shot in RAW at ISO 200 to 400; aperture from f/4 to f/5.6; shutter ranged from 1/400 to 1/3000 sec.

  5. I am clapping wildly and enthusiastically.
